Sign Up Page
After a complex set up process, finally we can start to write our routes!
Step One: Write register route
We will write our register route which will render to a "register" page. In this page, it will have a simple sign up form.
Step Two: Create Sign up form
We add "register.ejs" in the "views" folder. Then, we create a simple form which the url link will be "/register".
Then, we run the app.js and get the "/register", so we can see the form.
Step Three: Set up body parser
For every form post request, we need to add body parser to make it work.
Step Four: Handle user sign up
Once users sign up, it will lead them to the secret page. Therefore, we need to write a post route. Inside the post route, we add passport authenticate, which will log the user in and store the correct information and run the serialize method. And we specify to use "local" strategy.
I sign up with two user names: chai and tom. Then, I find my username in the mongodb database.
Then, once I sign up, it shows the secret page.
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