MongoDB is one of the most popular database with Node.js and Express.js. It is a NoSQL database. From Google Image Firstly, we need to install MongoDB in our server. The course TA created a good installation tutorial video on YouTube. Since the MongoDB has updated its system. In the installation, we need to set up the Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) code instead of 14.04 version which is shown on the video. Once we finish the installation, we need to call "./mongod" and run the code, then open a new terminal window, and call "mongo" , then you are ready to use Mongo shell, which is like JavaScript console. We can type "help" to learn the main MongoDB commands and their explanation . After I learned this lecture, I summarized four basic MongoDB commands to do with your database: insert, find, update and remove. Insert I want to create a student databases which include student name and GPA score. I can use insert command to create t...